Sunday, September 28, 2014

Chapter VII - Ascent


++++++++ From: Dietrick Armengarde, Rogue Trader, Captain of the Dies Suberbia
++++++++ Via astropath - beacon: ERROR
++++++++ Countersignal: ERROR

The planet is in turmoil below, as the different heretics and xenoes below mills around like insignificant ants. Their preparations seems to be frantic, and their goals seems to be the stranded cargo ship, which now seems to have begun to meld with the cityscape. What could they possible hope to achieve by going in there, more than swift death in it's dark confines? It eludes me, but it does not matter. I have already found the truth. The truth about why we were all here.

Surely, the Void in all it's infinity wanted someone to finally understand. An exceptional individual to finally grasp the truth behind the universe. I have been chosen, since I now know the secret: The Void is beauty. The Void is perfection. My followers know it as well, and I have begun to lead sermons and meditation upon the observation deck. As I gaze for hours into the great nothingness, I feel at peace. Some of the followers have proven not to be worthy, since they could not stand to look at the Void for the whole meditation; claiming that it was to much and too dark. I ordered their eyes removed, so that they will never again disgrace the Void with such lack of spirit. They are now serfs, whose only existence is to serve us, the chosen.

Let the insignificant beings down below wage their petty battles. If they have not yet begun to grasp at the truth, then they are beyond salvation. I pity them, but I am merciful enough to at least spare them a hopeful thought of a swift death and end to their agony. After all, they are unworthy.

Special Mission - Desperation
The end draws near as an opportunity has arisen. The forces have gathered all the shards they can carry, and they will serve them well in the confines of the ship. As they enter, they will fins that the great cargo holds of the ship have merged with the ruins outside, giving the confines a look of a underhive. There is no return now. The forces must fight to the bitter end, since retreat means being cast back to the planet, with no hope of salvation in sight. Therefore they must scour all enemies from the ship and become the masters who decide it's fate. Scattered around it's dark corridors are intact defence systems and shield generators. They have no power, but clever usage of the warp shards may revive them long enough to be used. Maybe even long enough to secure their salvation.

This mission uses the horizontal deployment from the original missions 1,2 and 6 in the Kill Team rules.

The scenario will utilize five objectives. One is placed in the absolute center of the board, while the others are placed in the center of each table quarter.

Before the battle, roll a d6 for each objective to determine it's properties:

1 - Point Defence System - The objective is a hidden defence system which can be controlled from a nearby terminal. It uses the profile of an Assault Cannon, and follows the rules for Weapon Emplacements with the following exceptions:
The system cannot fire on it's own, and must be controlled by a model in base contact to be fired. 
The system does not provide a cover save

2 - Shield Bulwark - The objective may generate an intangible dome of force, providing a 4+ invulnerable save to all models within 6". This save can only ba applied to attacks with originates from the outside of the radius.

3 - Surveillance node - The objective can gather feedback and info from clusters of still functioning sensors around the ship, and clever usage of this can greatly assist in target aquisition. Each turn, one model in base contact with the objective gains the Ignores Cover rule on all of it's shooting attacks.

4 - Medical Servitor - The objective is a stationary medical servitor, armed with an array of stimulants and syringes. It provides Feel no Pain to any model within 6". 

5 - Cleansing Machinery - The objective is a station for cleansing the outside of the great cargo containers which usually occupy the ship. Hower, it would not take much to apply it as a weapon towards enemies in close proximity. It uses the profile of a Flamer with the Torrent special rule, and follows the rules for Weapon Emplacements with the following exceptions:
The system cannot fire on it's own, and must be controlled by a model in base contact to be fired. 
The system does not provide a cover save

6 - Ammunition Storage - The objective is a stash full of various ammunition, giving troops in close proximity plenty of firepower to drown their enemies with. Any model within 6" of the objective may re-roll failed rolls to hit with any shooting attack.

All of these abilities need to be activated to be in effect. To activate it, a player must move a model within 3" of the objective, and may then immediately spend a Warp Shard to activate it. An activated objective may be used for the rest of the game, and can be utilized by both players. The Warp Shards are permanently spent.

After determining abilities, take turns to place the objectives as instructed above. Roll of to decide who begins.

A player do not need to roll for rout during this mission, as this is the last charge for a chance at freedom.

The player who holds the more objectives at the end of the game wins. In the case of a draw, play one additional turn to see if a winner can be determined. Repeat until one of the player wins. 

This scenario will be played like a tournament, where a classical tournament bracket as seen below will be used. 

In the end, the winner of this last mission will also be the winner of the campaign. That player will get the chance to determine the outcome of the story, how they utilize the cargo ship and how they proceed from there on. 

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