Monday, September 22, 2014

Chapter VI - Descent


++++++++ From: Dietrick Armengarde, Rogue Trader, Captain of the Dies Suberbia
++++++++ Via astropath - beacon: ERROR
++++++++ Countersignal: ERROR

The Void is beauty. The Void is perfection. Such are the tenets that I have passed on to my followers. After jettisoning Jeane out into it's dark embrace, most of the crew ceased their agitated behavior. Some discontent still remained but as my most loyal followers whispered the names of the malcontent to me, the black perfection of the void which soon surrounded their bodies quickly silenced any complaints. It has been a month now since the first Sending of Jeane, a whole month since I first understood the truth. The Void is beauty. The Void is perfection. After the recent Sendings, the other understand as well. How could I want to leave the Void's embrace, when it is now so obvious that I was meant to be here, and meant to discover this truth.

I have also understood that the warp seems to be a mere extention of the Void, the movements of the unmoving. We have been taught to fear the warp, but those teachings must have been lies born out of the fear of lesser men. Since the warp is a part of the Void, it is also a blessing.

The blasphemers, xenos and heretics down on the planet could never understand what gifts that the void brings them. Yesterday, the inert cargo ship which almost sent us all to the Void's embrace was swallowed by a warp phenomena which whirled around the planet. When the Void was calm once more, the ship had plummeted to the planet below and now lies sprawled across the cityscape. It seems intact, although the warping nature of the planet seems to begin to integrate it with the surroundings. This event seem to have triggered an interesting reaction among the vermin below. Most of them has begun to collect an even greater number of the warp shards which now lie scattered upon the planet. My loyal follower and astropath seems to think that they hope to use the shards to wake the warp drive of the ship, an absurd notion to be sure. I pondered if he were deserving of a Sending of telling me such absurdities, but who would allow me to send out the truth if the Void claimed him? The sermons will go on. Truly, we have found our calling.

The Void is beauty. The Void is perfection.

Special Missions - The Harvest
The arrival of the ship changed everything. A possible way out from this apocalyptic torment now lay stranded. Plans are made, half valor and half desperation. The forces must collect as many warp shards as they can before making a final push, a final assault to gain control of the ship and a possible way to freedom. May their harvest be bountiful.

During this week, the players will use the standard missions from the Kill Team rules and the additional missions provided for the campaign. 

In addition to the normal rules for these missions, there will also be three warp shards placed around the battlefield. One is placed in the exact center of the board, while the others are place 12" away from the center along the middle line of the board. 

When the game ends, a player receives a warp shard for each of these objectives he/she controls. A player receives Warp Shards even if he loses the game. If a player fails a rout test, his opponent will have one full round (movement, psychic, shooting and assault phase) to determine the final position of his models and determine how many warp shards he receives. 

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