Monday, September 8, 2014

Chapter V - Arrival of the Shards


++++++++ From: Dietrick Armengarde, Rogue Trader, Captain of the Dies Suberbia
++++++++ Via astropath - beacon: ERROR
++++++++ Countersignal: ERROR

This cursed silence continues. Sometimes you barely notice it, and sometimes it's so palpable that it feels like you are surrounded by the immense pressure of the Void. In its vast darkness, one can almost hear it calling. The immense emptiness is almost... Beautiful...

My navigator Jeane of House Irwyll came to me yesterday. She was rambling on and on about me taking charge, and that the talk among the remaining crew had gone from resentful to open hate. She even had the audacity to lie to my face, saying that even my closest crew would soon overthrow and kill me if I didn't resume active command. I had to kill her then, since I could not accept such a slight towards my honour. I was gentlemanlike, and the shot went straight through her back into her vital organs. As I jettisoned her corpse out through the airlock, her three eyes almost seemed to thank me. I did the jettisoning in public, to show the crew what lying will lead to. Seeing the Void swallow her was a serene experience. I almost forgot our predicament for a short while.

The archivist still brings me reports of the battles down at Maelstrom Congeris. They rarely interest anymore, since it always tell of how a certain ork warband have been attacking the archaic imperials or how the vile xenos have launched yet another ambush. However, the last report finally had something interesting beyond the result of last cycles bets. Apparently, the last swathe of warp energies which flowed over the planet did not only bring about the usual environmental changes; it brought about life. According to my archivist, it is like the rubble itself has sprung to life. I almost considered blowing him out the airlock as well for lying, but he managed to convince me to give him the mercy to at least witness it myself. Absurd as it sounds, he was correct. Here and there, the plascrete seems to have fused into glowing shards which seems to animate the rubble around it to somewhat slow and sentient creatures which seems to wander around. What use either the creatures or the shards will have is beyond me, and frankly not worthy of my great attention. I have a ship to rule, after all.

Special Mission - The Earth shall Rise

As the tides of the warp floods over Maelstrom Congeris, shards of warp energies begin to materialize amongst the ruins. Some are ripe for the taking, others are volatile and explosive and some other animate the earth and rubble itself into a animated shell. Barely sentient but nigh indestructible, these wander aimlessly. The combatants soon fins that their weapons does no damage to the lumbering creatures, but that the annoyance of projectiles and blades tend to goad them the other way, swatting at their enemies as it passes. The battle to claim the shards becomes more intense as the combatants need to split their attention towards managing the colossus and actually claiming the glowing warp in it's (somewhat) stable form.

The mission uses the horizontal deployment  from the original missions 1,2 and 6 in the Kill Team rules.

Place one objective in the absolute center of the board, and one additional objective 12" away on both sides along the middle line. (To a total of 3)

To win the scenario, a player needs to control more objectives than his/her opponent at the end of the game. The nearby Colossus will make this more difficult than it sounds.

The Colossus is represented by a roughly dreadnought-sized model that begins the game in the middle of the board. It has the following stat line:

WS: 3  BS: 3  S: 6  T: 6  I: 1  W: Unlimited  A: 1  Sv: 5++
Type: Monstrous Creature

Special Rules:

Slow and Purposeful

Unkillable - As bullets and place whittle down it's outer shell, more rubble rises from the ground in an even more rapid pace. The Colossus has an infinite number of wounds, and cannot be killed by any means.

Parts of the Environment - As the Colossus is formed from the environment around the Warp Shards, sometimes "lucky" happenstance allows it to consist of materials that somehow seems to improve it's abilities. Before the battle, roll a d6 and consult the chart below. The Colossus has the resulting power for the rest of the game.

1 - Only rubble - No extra abilities
2 - Steel Girders - +1 WS and +3 Initiative due to increased range
3 - Storm of Shards - The Colossus gains the following shooting attack: 
                                       Range: 18" S: 4 AP: - Assault 3
4 - Construction Wires - The Colossus gains the following shooting attack: 
                                       Range: Template S: 4 AP: - Assault 1
5 - Solid Door - Invulnerable save increased to 4++
6 - Chunks of Metal - +2 Attacks

The Colossus acts after both players have had their turn, and how it acts depends on the actions of the players. By inflicting wounds on the Colossus, a player can try to drive it away towards his/her enemies. When it becomes the Colossi's turn, the player who has inflicted the most number of wounds on the Colossus during her round gets to push it towards the opponents side. If no wounds or the same amount of wounds were inflicted, the Colossus does nothing. The controlling player may control the Colossus during it's turn along the following guidelines:

- The Colossus must move away from the controlling players table edge
- If it has a shooting ability, the Colossus will use it against the closest model of the opponent.
- The Colossus will try to assault the closest model of the opponent in the assault phase.

The Colossus cannot be locked in combat. After results has been calculated, all player-controlled models may immediately consolidate. Wounds in assault counts towards the number which determines the player who controls the Colossus.

An attack which would have caused Instant Death instead counts as 2 wounds towards to number which determines the player who controls the Colossus.

After the game, a player receives a new type of resource called Warp Shards which the player notes on his campaign roster. The number of Warp Shards received is equal to the number of objectives held at the end of the game. If a player wins due to rout from the opponent, he may immediately take another full turn of movement to determine how many objectives he controls.

The Warp Shards does not seem to have any immediate usefulness for the teams, but they might prove to be quite valuable in the battles to come...

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